- download and cut online

Most likely you have come to this page to download the video. BUT! Please note that you can not only download the video,   but also make it a GIF, save a separate frame from the video series, you can also download only a fragment from the video.

Comedy: who among us does not like to laugh well? Yes all. In this category you will find the funniest and most current video. Laugh with pleasure.

ኮመዲያን እሸቱ መለሰ እና ነፃነት ወርቅነህ ሰለእናቶቻቸዉ የቀለዱት ቀለድ  Comedian Eshetu Melese and Netsanet Workneh

# Amharic
# Tigrigna
# Oromigna
# Ethiopian comedy
# Yebetseb Chewata
# Netsanet Workneh
# Eshetu Melese
# የቤተሰብ ጨዋታ
# Yebeteseb Chewata Season
#Ethiopia #Fikreselam #EthiopianComedy የቤተሰብ ጨዋታ Yebetseb Chewata presenters