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Comedy: who among us does not like to laugh well? Yes all. In this category you will find the funniest and most current video. Laugh with pleasure.

When a Top Korean TV Presenter Tries to Teach Ollie Korean?!

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Today we call on a good friend of mine who has taken care of me through some Korean variety TV shows, and a Jolly language specialist! 오늘은 제 한국 예능 선생님, 현무 형님을 졸리 한국어 선생님으로 모셔봅니다!! Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie Series Producer: Hyemin Lim & Sepi Zolfaghari Production Assistant: Jordan Carrott Editor: Grace Park & Sepi Zolfaghari Editor/Translator: Sejun Lee Translator: Miso Kang