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1 Champion vs 5 Coppers (Rainbow Six Siege)

#Jynxzi Stream
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here verse five coppers man One champion for stop coppers I've done this challenge two times I've failed miserably yo mute my stream by the way my stream because I don't want it to like come up in the audio but we got two Champions I already have mine five coppers yeah what would be the most AIDS operator in a 5v1 definitely Monty yeah yeah so how would you guys say that you ended up in Copper like what made you end up in Copper is it just like you just don't play enough ranks or I just don't yeah yeah y'all just be aiming with your Johnson hey I don't play a lot I solo queue and then whenever I play with a bunch of my friends they just throw word word game thank you for the 10 gifted so what would you say as a copper what would you say is your best trait and your worst trait bro when I was brand new to Siege like six years ago I hit um off of my placements I hit gold because I got like carried by my friends it was like six years ago but then when I started s