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Among Us but if I die…I really win…

I AM WILDCAT MERCH AVAILABLE NOW! Glitch Energy: Thanks for watching! LIKE the video if you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter: My Instagram: Friends in this video! @Himicane @karacorvus @BonsaiBroz @PJONK @LarryFishburger @KYRSP33DY @Giddawid @wontontm @OzzaGames @PastaroniRavioli @Moo Follow Me on Twitch: Subscribe to my let's play channel: http:/


I can do something cool I can do something cool here's the deal all right so I am arsonist but I'm not gonna douse anyone I am if I have a guessing role I want to team up us three and we'll acquire roles and I'll shoot people in the meeting yo dude I'm the Survivor let's go yeah hey Bonsai oh no shot no shot no [Music] you're telling me you just stood on a vent and then clapped this motherfucker's cheeks did a whole monologue about his plan for this round you just [ __ ] destroyed it dude I'm so sorry how speedy did you get that role all right let's not Bonsai clutch up this game dude he's got this that's a cool down guys all right it's right there are you standing still I feel like he's a good guy he's standing still like this yeah oh wipe her off on them [Laughter] and I'm just sitting there as the glitch with my dick in my hand I didn't do anything [Music] I was so Random I wasn't expecting that you know you know well it's not I mean I just walked