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Best way to take out Riot Shielders in MW2!

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Today we’re giving you the best way to dispose of riot shielders! #callofduty #mw2 #gaming To stay in the loop with all things LA Guerrillas follow us across social media here: Twitter: Instagram: Tik Tok: Website: And don't forget to subscribe and turn on your notifications right here on YouTube:


the riot shield stops RPGs miniguns and cruise missiles but how do we stop these rats after testing every gun in the game nothing could penetrate The Shield only three lethals past the test thermite drill charge and syntax but which one's the best they all stick to the shield taking out the rotten the remites kill the fastest but useless in other situations now the semtex has a quicker release and is perfect for clearing rooms in snd your official Radix Terminator the septex for more Modern Warfare 2 hit that phone