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Escaping Choo-Choo Charles in Among Us

We play a Choo Choo Charles mod in Among Us ☞ Subscribe & click the bell Subscribe ➡ === ϟ || Friends || ϟ === ⭑ @Zud ⭑ @garryblox ⭑ @BiffleWiffle ⭑ @helloiamkate Mod By • Video Editor ► Russell • Thumbnail Maker ► Flash • Animator ► David


so today and among us we've got one of our best ones yet this is Charles on this deserted island we have to upgrade our train and then we use our upgrades to fight choo choo Charles oh and also he can attack back so of course stick around till the end this gets good all right boys we're here let's do this all right you scally look Scallywags uh I brought you here listen listen listen you guys know I'm the captain I've been here before and listen no one has ever died on my watch we have to enter this island take out the threat come here Gramps gramp cities we need to talk to you go check out that [ __ ] okay okay search The Shack for gear grab the gear find the shack pick up the turret pick up the pistol boys do me a favor shoot that like button what I don't what just hit the like button hit the Subscribe button okay hold on let me talk to him again can I talk to him again oh check out that Shack for some gear stop yelling at us Gramps what is wrong why is he