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Facts that can save your life! #12

#best facts
#facts everyone should know
#facts that might save your life
#facts you should know
#fun facts
#health facts
#how not to die
#interesting facts
#life facts
#life saving facts
#medical facts
#safety facts
#smart facts
#survival facts
#watch mojo
#facts that could save your life
#Unknown facts that might save your life
#Facts that can save your life
#Tips that can save your life


if you're being tied up puff yourself out as much as possible so it'll be easier to wiggle out of tense your muscles inhale deep and stretch out your arms and legs to make more space if you're in a dangerous situation breathe through your nose not your mouth breathing through your mouth uses more energy if your car breaks down in a remote area cut off from civilization stay with it to draw attention burn a tire during daylight as people will likely see the thick black smoke if you see someone wearing a motorcycle helmet have an accident do not pull off their helmet for any reason a helmet could be holding together their injuries if you encounter Lions do not run if they come towards you growling they're telling you that you're too close but won't attack so you should try to walk away slowly without losing sight of them or clap and Shout to scare them away if you're doing CPR on someone who's breathing or heart stop do not stop until EMTs take the body away CPR