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The friend that always tells the truth #shorts #roblox


hey why are you sad my girl and my dog betrayed me that's horrible what did they do my dog ran away from home and my girl killed me damn bro that's sad but hey look I can be your best friend it's no use you're not my girl no worries man I can transform into her just wait here and I'll be back okay you happy now bro well I'm not into dudes dressed like girls wait I only did this to be your friend okay well we need to be honest with each other that's no problem good because you know I always speak the truth okay let's do some friend stuff how about cooking me dinner no cooking's for girls let's go lift weights instead that isn't what my girl used to do with me if you go I will give you unlimited candy you're right cooking is for girls what do you think do my muscles look big you look worthless and weak [Music] this is why your girl left you