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The most BROKEN model in TF2... #tf2 #shorts

#team fortress 2
#tf2 shorts
#tf2 broken model
#tf2 exploit
#tf2 steel exploit
#the most broken model in tf2
Like seriously, how much more broken could this be? ▶️ 💬 Discord: #tf2 #teamfortress2 #shorts


This door on steel is the  most broken model in TF2. Firstly, if you’re playing as pyro,  you can shoot right through it with   your flamethrower and burn  people on the other side. Secondly, if you’re playing  as soldier with the original,   you can shoot through this gap on either  side of the door to blow people up. Thirdly, if you’re playing as sniper  and you have insane reaction time,   you can actually shoot people through the gap too. Lastly, if you’re playing as demo,  you can bank pipes off of the wall   above the sides of the door and  kill enemies with your rollers. This all happens because of how the  door is configured in Hammer. For one,   the func_door brush doesn’t fit the entire space,   so there are gaps on the sides for bullets  and projectiles to go through. And for two,   the brush has the “Ignore Debris” flag toggled  on, so flame particles go right through.