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The pain of being a Raid boss

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Install Raid for Free ✅ on Mobile and PC: And get a special starter pack with the Epic champion Chonoru! Use the Promo Code VLDLXRAID to get 3 x Rank Up Chickens 3*, 30 XP brews, and 250K Silver. Available for NEW and Returning users only by August 31st


foreign you have come to defeat you and try if you dare [Music] strong ER [Applause] [Music] ah oh oh [Music] you're back to defeat you yeah well then then try if you dare [Music] oh oh are we are we now oh yeah yep yep I pulled something definitely pulls up in there yeah oh foreign to defeat you uh then try uh [Music] oh yeah that's permanent that's permanent oh oh dear oh yeah no I've done some damage there oh [Music] no no no no no stop to defeat you what no I said I stopped I said stop what what are you doing why do you keep coming back here um well because you have heaps of potions and shards and silver and XP Brews and stuff yeah you're a shortcut for resources look we're only going to do this a few more times yeah like get some alert level up a bit and sorry roughly how many more times do you think oh I don't know maybe like 10 10 times 10 yeah 10 wow 10. um I guess we might as well get this over with then to defeat you then try [Mus