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THIS GAME GOT US HOOKED | The Wolf Among Us Play-through Part 2

SOCIAL MEDIA: @supremedreams_1 @23_is_leland @dylanpatel4_ @l0veandpeac3 @ive_ben_jamin @cleanuniform @playthatjohn TWITCH: RDCWorld Official Website:


looking at oh oh bees please y'all don't want to kill you boy but I will what's up y'all already see gaming in the building we are back with another episode of Among Us and no we did not even take a week it's been two days y'all been talking that [ __ ] y'all hit the like go of course um in two days it was already there next uh go this one's already 20 000 next gold 20 000 likes y'all go ahead and hit that I ain't gonna We scammed ourselves in the first 15. we're doing 20 this time uh we really thank y'all for watching man oh yeah you know hidden gold is not a bad thing I think people think we don't want y'all to go we do we're trying to build up this channel consistently I know yeah yo y'all brother everything's starting to start with me I would say and tell y'all we're working on but like every time we say that [ __ ] they don't see nothing yeah but it's coming everything that that we talk about is on the way all right now let's get into this Wolf Among U