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uhh... guys? | Raft

#mark bob wade
#funny moments
Hello? Um... can anyone hear me? ...guys? LISTEN TO DISTRACTIBLE ►► MORE RAFT ► Edited By ► Edited By ► And ► WADE ► BOB ► Happy Outro ►


it has been so long my beard grew backwards and my nose broke again [Laughter] grew back backwards what is that what is that I I I'm clean shaven at the moment and my nose is broken I thought you were a human being you don't need to hurt my feelings this early we have plenty of time to hurt my feelings I'm recording already it's okay yeah yeah well me too it's content it's content content so long as this content I guess it makes it all okay man these animals are depressed well they built this boat for months so we've neglected yeah they're gonna be fine uh Hey guys welcome to Raft part one who doesn't have intros dolphin who does intros intros are for nerds opponents right Mark uh yeah right buddy oh yeah the battery's empty on the nav computer hey everybody Welcome to seven scary horror games part 62. wow I'm up to part 98 now you're really behind you man I gotta catch up I have a good friend I'm sorry um so were we like I forget how lexian ended my last o