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US Presidents Play Minecraft 14

The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way trying to offend anyone nor trying to create false information. Neither figure in this video is real and what you can see and hear is made by an A.I. tool that allows the user to recreate and synthesize voices, more famously known by its name; Eleven Labs.


oh my God this is Beautiful Joe are you looking at a photo of me no but I have a question for you what is it where are you right now inside one of my hotel rooms okay good to know holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is actually the Amazon rainforest Joe did you plant bamboo around my tower again uh no something even better Jesus of Christ why did you plant trees this time well as president of the world it's my job to make sure everything is in order so I planted a bunch of trees to stop global warming Joe you and I both know you don't believe that yeah I just wanted to make you mad for calling my family a bunch of horses well I'll admit I called your family horses and so you did the bamboo thing but after this I have to get even uh well I'm the president so if you do anything I don't like then I'll just put you in jail I'm already going to jail you can't threaten me with that Joe you definitely [ __ ] up Donald um can we make a truce sure I will make a truce right after we