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BARBIE Official Trailer 2 (2023)

First movie trailer for Barbie starring Margot Robbie


foreign [Music] hey Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hey Barbie hi Barbie hi Ken hi Ken now [Music] I thought I might stay over tonight why because we're a girlfriend boyfriend you do what I'm actually not sure [Music] okay ladies let's do this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm coming with you [Music] did you bring your rollerblades I literally go nowhere without them [Music] this beach was a little too much Beach for you Ken if I wasn't severely injured I would beat you off for right now Ken I'll beat you off with you any day Ken anyone who wants to beach him off has to beat me off first I will beat both of you off at the same time beats both of us off nobody's gonna beat anyone off [Music]