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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Trailer 2 (NEW 2022) Game of Thrones

#One Media
#House of the Dragon
#House of the Dragon Trailer 2
#Game of Thrones
#New Game of Thrones
#New Series
#Game of Thrones Sequel
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Trailer 2 (NEW 2022) Game of Thrones © 2022 - HBO Max


what is this brief mortal life if not the pursuit of legacy [Music] i reckon stark i call his volarian i roman baratheon promised to be faithful to king viserys until he's named princess rhaenyra manira targaryen men would sooner put the realm to the torch and see a woman ascend the iron throne [Music] we play an ugly game you have the determination to win it [Applause] [Music] history does not remember blood it remembers names [Music] you