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Lackadaisy TRAILER

#lack a daisy
#lackadaisy cats
#2d animation
#indie animation
Lackadaisy - the animated short film. Coming in March 2023! Produced by Iron Circus Comics, directed by Fable Siegel, created by Tracy J. Butler #lackadaisy #trailer #animation #cats #ironcircus #1920s #indieanimation #2danimation #jazz #electroswing #sepiatonic #gangsters #flapper #charleston #lackadaisycats


[Crickets chirping] [Voice over] ROCKY: Well now the spirits are afoot! FRECKLE: I got it. [Voice over] ROCKY: No, that is my foot. That's not what I meant! FRECKLE: Well, I can't see. ROCKY: Ah! There it is! [THUMP] FRECKLE: Gah, stop it! You-- ROCKY: Get off me! [slapping] [Fighting sounds] IVY: Ah! [Music] [Gunfire] [Violin music] SERAFINE: Oh, you don't like how we play? [Voice over] SERAFINE: How 'bout you stop spectating and throw in, cher? [Voice over] SERAFINE: we have to worry about you getting sentimental about old times? [Voice over] IVY: You have no idea what I went through to get this. VIKTOR: I have very good an idea. [Gunfire] [Voice over] ROCKY: Ha ha ha ROCKY: WHA-HA! HA HA HA HA [Music] [Voice over] MORDECAI: Rather unfortunately we were sidetracked. [Voice over] MORDECAI: The vehicle has been disabled and... [Voice over] MORDECAI: On the whole, the evening has not gone according to plan.