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SHRINKING Trailer (2023) Jason Segel, Harrison Ford

#Shrinking Trailer
#Jason Segel
#Harrison Ford
#Jessica Williams
#Lukita Maxwell
SHRINKING Trailer (2023) Jason Segel, Harrison Ford, Jessica Williams, Lukita Maxwell, Comedy Series © 2023 - Apple TV+


you're just gonna burn down your career and take me with you coin flip get out of here what's on your mind today like I want to change but I'm not particularly open to make those changes I'm trying every time I get rid of one compulsion another compulsion comes up are you yawning Right Now spoiler alert I feel like I'm stuck right how does that make you feel Jimmy Liz hey it's three in the morning I'm sorry what's in that bowl pretzels the other Bowl maybe some painkillers maybe there's painkillers in there yeah I have to ask is this you forever I don't know [Music] oh hey Paul I'm worried about you good I mean grieving here stop you're doing sad face this is just face I have resting dead wife face he just kept on going on and on about how dumb I am but he loves me your husband is emotionally abusive he's not working on it he doesn't intend to just leave him okay I think I can help people if I get my hands a little bit dirtier my mom wanted you to scatte