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Smile | Official Trailer (2022 Movie)

#Sosie Bacon
#Jessie T. Usher
#Kal Penn
Once you see it, it’s too late. Watch the official trailer for #SmileMovie - Only in theatres September 30. You will never trust a smile again… Try the new #SmileMovie TikTok Effect now: After witnessing a bizarre, traumatic incident involving a patient, Dr. Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon) starts experiencing frightening occurrences that she can't explain. As an overwhelming terror begins taking over her life, Rose must confront her troubling past in order to survi


What is it you'd like to talk about? My patient. Hi. I know you're nervous. I just want to have a chat. I'm seeing something no one else can see except for me. It's smiling at me. [screams] Oh my God! No! Yesterday, a patient in your care died brutally in front of you. I need to find an explanation for what happened. It's smiling at me. It's smiling at me. You're going to die! You're going to die! You're going to die! I found 20 cases involving 19 victims with a direct line linking them all together. You said only 19? Why is it that everybody else who's seen it is dead and you're alive? I've seen it too. You? Get her away from me! How long between each victim's death? None of them survived longer than a week. Rose! Today's my fourth day. I am not gonna keep running. I have to face it. How does that make you feel? I'm just really scared that something bad is going to happen.