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The Chosen | Official Episode 7 and 8 Trailer | Angel Studios

Watch at Episode 7: Ears to Hear Andrew and Philip return from their trip with desperate news: they need Jesus’ help to solve a huge crisis in the Decapolis. Jesus leads them on a trip to the dangerous region, where they face opposition from all sides. Literally. Meanwhile, John is assigned to bring an angry Simon to Jesus. Episode 8: Sustenance Thousands arrive to first argue with, then listen to Jesus as he preaches. Shmuel and Atticus hear what’s happening and journey towards


John of this trip tends on silent Jesus gave her healing and joy but he hasn't given that to me I won't be in your way for long have faith Simon Faith isn't my problem I think I was a mistake what happened here my friends you seem upset you want to dilute our faith take your followers back West where you belong we didn't come here to cause trouble while they could appear that trouble has found us what is stirring in your hearts in the middle of such Division and unrest is Father God being revealed to you come to me all whom labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest without the food they're after food bring me anything five loaves of bread and two fish this feels familiar let's eat [Applause]