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The Owl House Season 3 Episode 3 Premiere Special | Watching and Dreaming | Trailer | @disneychannel

#owl house
#watching and dreaming
#the owl house season 3 trailer
#the owl house season 3 episode 3
#the owl house watching and dreaming
#the owl house season 3 episode 3 trailer
#the owl house season 3 episode 3 release date
#owl house watching and dreaming
#watching and dreaming the owl house
#watching and dreaming trailer
#owl house finale trailer
#owl house finale
#the owl house finale
#the owl house finale trailer
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Take a look at the trailer for The Owl House Season 3 Episode 3, "Watching and Dreaming" Trailer! The fate of everything on the Boiling Isles now rests on the shoulders of Luz, Eda, and King. Watch the full episode on Disney Channel YouTube on Saturday, April 8th at 10:30PM PT. Watch the next Owl House video here: Watch The Owl House on Disney Channel! And check out more Owl House videos here:


where do you think magic comes from from heart you need to choose yourself those weirdos have to stick together perhaps this will be easier than I thought let me show you some of my face you have to wake up how you turn on the light let's end this you know this can't last forever us weirdos have to stick together [Music]