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Virgin River: Season 4 | Official Trailer | Netflix

#Fish Out of Water
#Keeping Secrets
#Love Triangle
#Rural Life
#Virgin river
#Virgin river s4
#Virgin river season 4
Despite not knowing whether her baby belongs to her deceased husband, Mark or Jack, Mel begins Season Four with a sense of optimism. For years she yearned to be a mother and her dream is one step closer to reality. While Jack is supportive and excited, the question of paternity continues to gnaw at him. Complicating matters is the arrival of a handsome new doctor, who's in the market to start a family of his own. Hope is still healing from her car accident, and the lingering psychological effect


I'm pregnant. And I don't know who the father is. We can resolve the issue using a non-invasive paternity test. I can't do that right now. Why not? If we find out that Mark's the father, it could change how I feel about our baby. Doc hired a very attractive doctor to fill in at the clinic. It's about time you had a bit of competition, mister. Your dad just checked into the B&B. My job was to make sure you didn't ruin your life. If I can't have a relationship with my own father, what kind of dad am I gonna be? Why are you drinking? I honestly didn't think having one or two drinks was a problem. I need you to see something the PI sent. Brady didn't shoot me. We gotta get him out of there. You have wanted a baby for so long. You gotta work out your issues. Find out what's going on up here. My mom hired a lawyer to seek custody of your last two embryos. What? If it bothers you that much, then I'll stop drinking. I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to do it for you. E