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지방팬 사이 숨은 가짜 지방팬 찾기 (feat. BTS 지민)|PIXID

지방에도 팬 이써요….ㅠ 지방팬들의 열띤 톡 중에 등장한 🌟군대 간 석찌니 휴덕(?!)🌟 지민! 아니이 휴덕이 웬 말?????????? 과연 지민은, 지방팬 사이에서 살아남을 수 있을까? #pixid #BTS #지민 #방탄소년단 #어몽어스 #단톡방


[Music] [Music] Yes, hello, this is Jimin from BTS. [Music] Hello [Music] [ Music] In addition to transportation costs, additional costs are too high. I set it up as a hair salon staff, so I remember running to it because of the time of the last train. [Music] [ Music] Others said it was a specific place. I started to go there with a little doubt. I remember going often, and it wasn't a very big town, so I said that, but they didn't understand. Ah, I thought I had to come to my senses. I don't know where I'm using this. I'm accepting this as a gift. Why is it a gift? When the opportunity came, I took it quickly. ] [Music] Why don't you know the area code? The answer is so late. Searching is so slow, so I'm completely convinced, and I just wanted to say that I just searched and came. You've been preparing for it, ah, you're trying really hard pretending to be a local fan. I kind of thought that. That was the only thing I could do. If the fans laughed a lot, that was enough. was the