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Americans be like😂😂


okay kyle my friend from the uk is visiting today so don't be disrespectful how would i be disrespectful you know how americans mock people with a british accent dude i'm not gonna do that what kind of person do you think i am good uh come in tom how you been mate good uh this is my friend hi mike did the trolley treat you nice actually i took a cab here nice josh do you mind passing me a bottle of water or what about water can you pass it what's yours he said a bottle of water no no he doesn't actually talk like are you [ __ ] stupid mike pass me a ball of water the way you're talking is stupid what's wrong with the way he talks bro you don't understand he doesn't josh i like you bro but you disrespect me in front of my company again and i'ma punch you in your [ __ ] fights this is my company and you sound dumb our accents are dumb in it no tom that's not what you want to beat down josh pass me the bloody water can you shut the [ __ ] up kyle