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AyoDen Learns to Moonwalk

#ayoden minecraft
#ayoden shorts
#minecraft but tiktok
#minecraft but shorts
#learning to moonwalk in one day
#learn to moonwalk
πŸ‘† Discord Server - πŸ‘† Twitter - πŸ‘† Instagram - πŸ‘† TikTok - #shorts #tiktok #AyoDen


i was watching this sick video of a guy moonwalking in paris when i suddenly wondered something could i maybe learn to move walk too so i put on my game face got up for my chair and what'd you think you suck i suck so i decided tonight i was going to stop sucking and the problem was according to google takes about one to two weeks to master moonwalking i don't have one to two weeks kind of time i'm gonna master this now and so i began my moon walkthrough overall i felt like my progress was really solid until this happened definitely making progress hey i heard you're trying to moonwalk can i see your progress oh yeah sure sure look [Music] huh that's terrible oh my in that video you posted the other day trying to clickbait me that was terrible too that was the last straw if i wasn't already determined to learn this i sure as frick was now let's dance kept walking and walking and finally my mom told me to shut up and stop