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BREAKING NEWS! - EVGA will no longer do business with NVIDIA

#evga news
#evga not making 40 series
#evga 40 series
#evga qutting nvidia
#evga not making gpus anymore
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yeah you read the title right evga is no longer going to be doing business with nvidia we got to talk about this before we get into today's video i want to go and let you know about our new t-shirt design that's dropping because it'd be really weird putting a sponsor on this video no there's no sponsors on this one but uh it's our new dad buds and pc mods shirts kind of pulling together two of my hobbies cars and dad mods don't make me start reviewing dad mods i'll do it starting with mine okay so i've got my computer up right here if you're wondering um these are just basically notes that i've taken during a meeting that we recently had with evga so can i give you a little bit of a background ebj has been in the gpu market and industry since 1999 well the company's been around since 1999. um just about as long as nvidia itself has been around in fact nvidia and evga partnered up very early on in the whole pre-voodoo era and 3dfx era of graphics cards so to