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Casually Explained: Rock Climbing

#envelope laser rectangle
#Casually Explained
#stand up comedy
#animated comedy
#how to
#stand up
Great to see ya'll again, sorry I haven't made more vids but we all know that posting more than once a year is clearly aid ► ►Second Channel: ► ► ► ► ►


uh hey guys just remember the answer to my password recovery question um sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been working on a bit of a longer project that should be done in a couple months but in the meantime I have lots more content that's coming out soon while rock climbing might seem like a pretty self-explanatory concept like a lot of sports if you've never Rock climbed before it could be intimidating going to a gym for the first time and not being able to even hold the first Jug on the easiest climb this is why it's important to know the what SWAT and the do's and don'ts of how climbing is supposed to be done so you can check yourself and avoid feeling attacked by onlookers giving you unsolicited yet polite encouragement now to start with the most famous type of rock climbing we of course have free soloing which is climbing outdoor rock faces with no gear at all except your shoes pants no shirt obviously maybe your chalk bag if you happen to remember i