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Darksun Spelljammer with puffin (animated spellbook) #dnd5e

#spell jammer
#animated spellbook
#hold person
#snake cult
#dance cult
#5th level spells
#new to dnd
#spell tutorial
#d&d tutorial
#D&D Fails
Hold person Paid Sponsor: TALESPIRE Music: Dopplegangers Demise by Lou Kelly The Haunted House by Jakub Pietras Wolverine by Kryptos Egos by nate rose


brought to you by paid advertisement for tailspire the son of a great monster hunter stan wilson right along with his two companions the famed master inquisitive nachos jesus and i glorf an artificer middling skill had acquired a spell jammer an inter-dimensional spaceship fueled by magic spell slots we were on the planet atheist to sink our dimensional crystal to a touchstone basically we had to touch a crystal to a big monolith so we could travel back here in seconds instead of weeks which is an incredibly valuable ability and it would have been simple enough to do except there were complications one there was a snake temple two the touchstone was in the basement of the snake temple three the temple was heavily guarded and four even if we got in the basement was magically locked except for a short time at noon each day in which the snake breeze took a procession from the rooftop of the temple around the sides down to the basement to sacrifice a human being