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Dave Chappelle attacked during performance

#dave chappelle
Comedian Dave Chappelle was allegedly attacked during a performance Tuesday night.


now to national news breaking overnight involving comedian dave chappelle we're hearing reports that he was tackled on stage right in the middle of a performance local tennis units ignara's in the newsroom with exactly what happened eric chasing this happened overnight at the hollywood bowl during the netflix is a joke festival witnesses say a man rushed the stage tackling chappelle to the ground that scuffle continued until the man ran away behind the screen on the stage that's when security staff surrounded him as he tried to get away chappelle did not appear to be hurt in the ordeal and he reportedly asked security several times to remove him from the stage meantime comedian chris rock actually happened to perform at the venue earlier in the night fans say he came out on stage with chappelle moments after the attack and jokingly said was that will smith a moment of course meant to lighten the mood of what was a pretty tense situation for a bit in the newsroo