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Debunking fake hacks & viral clickbait explained | How To Cook That Ann Reardon

#debunking ann reardon
#debunking howtocookthat
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Debunking fake and dangerous hacks & why clickbait works SUBSCRIBE on youtube: Support: My Cookbook: Recipe: Merch: Business enquiries & submit a video for debunking: How To Cook That Channel: Hi I am Ann Reardon, How to Cook That is my youtube channel it is filled with crazy sweet creations,


welcome to how to cook that i'm ann ridden and this is another episode of debunking in this first hack we are looking at the bizarre trend of using excessive amounts of cleaning products to clean the toilet they tip so many products in there that they can't even flush the toilet without sticking their hand in to unblock it cleaning chemicals are expensive so they're just flushing money down the toilet apart from it being such a waste of money and bad for the environment to use all those chemicals unnecessarily the main issue i have with this is they are mixing different chemicals together and when you do that they can react together and create toxic gases you don't have to look very far to know that this is a bad idea a mixture of cleaning products caused overwhelming toxic fumes that killed the manager of a buffalo wild wings and sent 13 others to the hospital don't mix cleaning chemicals together it's a really dangerous idea next we have a diy jewelry hack by