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Did Sauropods Really Look Like This? Prehistoric Planet Discussion

#prehistoric planet
#walking with dinosaurs
#t rex
#long neck
#prehistoricplanet #dinosaurdocumentary #dinosaurs #prehistoricplanet2022 By now I'm sure most of you have seen the trailer for Prehistoric Planet. The epic 5 part documentary series that will be releasing on Apple TV+ on May 23rd. And I have seen a lot of people asking this question in the comments of every time this trailer is shared. So I figured it would be a great topic of discussion! So here I talk about the possibility that Sauropods had inflatable throat sacs the way the upcoming documen


[Music] so i know that today isn't my normal video day but literally the day that i put out my last video something came out that was a pretty big deal so i'm sure that by now all of you have seen the trailer for prehistoric planet and i like all of you were yeah baby pretty damn impressed but then in that first trailer there was one thing that seemed to get a lot of people's attention got a lot of people asking questions and that is what the hell is that a lot of people have wondered if these balloon object things stretching out from the sauropods neck has something to do with some new discovery or something like that and i could be wrong there could be some new details discovered but in all actuality this is just a different take on the possibility of what something might have looked like in life that comes from a discovery that we've already known for a long time you see dinosaurs had air sacs going throughout their bodies and it's actually believed that