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DOLLAR STORE makeover | Transforming an EASTER BUNNY into a JACKALOPE

#dollar store makeover
#dollar store diy
#thrift store makeover
#easter bunny
#milliput clay
#dollar store makeover bunny
#thrift store makeover bunny
#easter jackalope
#whimsical mushrooms
#fantasy makeover
#diy thrift store makeover
#easter craft
The first 1,000 people to use the link or my code DARKESTRAVENDESIGNS will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Thanks so much for watching! i love how whimsical it looks and the colors that I used and I hope you enjoyed this Dollar Store Makeover! ♫♫♫ Amazon storefront on materials used, my favorite supplies and more: (These are affiliate links that support my channel at no extra cost to you) Socials


[Music] hello my lovely ravens welcome back to my channel my name is chantel and today [Music] i have a dollar store makeover for you all i am going to turn this bunny i think it looks like a chinchilla because the ears don't really look like bunny ears anyway i'm going to transform this creature into a jackalope so let's go i'm protecting my desk with matte because i don't want the millipot to stick to my desk let's mix some up and start this jackalope i will be putting it on a base this is a one dollar base also from a dollar store um it's wood and this is a piece of tin foil and i just press the cup in there that will be the forest floor and the cup will be slightly slanted like that so uh let's go i'm going to cut equal parts of part a and b and then mix it together and i will be wearing gloves for that part or maybe for the entire thing because it can harm your skin so this becomes rock hard in like three to four hours so i have a little bit o