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Film Theory: Does This Backrooms Fan Theory Solve EVERYTHING?

#the backrooms
#the backrooms found footage
#backrooms egypt
#the backrooms egypt
#backrooms pyramid
#the backrooms pyramid
#backrooms found footage
#the backrooms explained
#backrooms explained
#backrooms lore
#the backrooms lore
#how to survive backrooms
#how to survive the backrooms
#scary stories
#analog horror
#film theory
#film theories
#film theory backrooms
#the backrooms creepypasta
Special thanks to @Google for sponsoring a portion of this episode! Find out more about Google Belonging here! ► Theorists, we are diving into The Backrooms again and this time we are going all the way... to Egypt! Yes, you read that right! I think there may be some ancient secrets hiding in the maze of yellow walls. I'm determined to see if this theory has a solid foundation and if it can stand the test of time like the pyramids. Let's go! Check out the video that l


thanks to google for sponsoring a portion of today's video [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] fascinating truly astonishing this this could rewrite everything we know about egyptian society the world has to know hello internet welcome to film theory the show that goes on weekly archaeological digs to look for that buried lore now today we're doing something a little bit different we're taking the script and throwing it out the window you see normally when we do a lore theory they all build off the previous videos in the series like a wobbly jenga stack that way bit by bit piece by piece we get closer to the truth and if something's wrong well we go back and course correct before moving on from there but what if someone else has it all figured out what if we are so completely off base that that already wobbly stack of lore is also built on like i don't know rubber band legs well an earthquake is going on i am talking about bad theories friends i mean it's