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Finding out the gender of our baby

#finding out the gender
#gender reveal
#doctors appointment
#finding out the gender of our baby vlog
#surprise pregnancy
#matt howard
#abby howard
#matt and abby
Follow us on Instagram: @abbyelizabethoward @_matt_howard_


why am I gonna be so thrown off if it's a girl I will be shocked if it's a girl nervous I'm shaking what's your final guess boy [Music] okay I don't even feel like I'm expecting another kid right now it doesn't even feel like we're pregnant as weird as that sounds I'm just so focused on the fact that I'm a dad to one kid right now that like they can Dad to two kids doesn't even really make sense my in my brain it's really hitting me I really still have not processed the fact that I'm going to be a father of two here in five months that has not fully gone through my brain yet and I think tomorrow it's really going to be more apparent the pregnancy is going to feel a lot more real my office is a freaking mess this is a a stash of newspaper for Griffin to play with when he's with me in my office this whole parenthood thing is not at all what I expected it would have been like when I was a kid the way everything is playing out is totally different from how I coul