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Fleet Farm Showdown #Shorts

#Fleet Farm Showdown
#Charlie Berens
#You Betcha
#Manitowoc Minute
#Fleet Farm
#lawn mower
#home and garden
#bird seed
#North Dakota
#South Dakota
He's got his 10,000 hours in... 🥗 #Shorts Feat. @You Betcha MERCH: Follow me at these places: Twitter: @CharlieBerens Instagram: @CharlieBerens Facebook: For more Manitowoc Minute click here:


[Music] hey can i help you oh hey uh probably not i've been coming here a long time well if you insist but you know i work here so there's not for this store i don't know oh there's not an inch of this store i don't know oh yeah where's the moisture control potting mix lawn and garden second aisle in you tell me where the pvc inch and a quarter coupling is aisle la top shelf 30 racks in if you enter the aisle from the south crud cutter oil grabber even the one that absorbs and lifts embedded oil stains without scrubbing that's the one aisle 5b hickory smoked bacon scented bear bomb f38 steel handle timber jack l 11 on the left down deep husky jerk lure f 57 godfather turkey diaphragm call f 37 salad bowl uh salad yeah i forgot that even existed yeah are people still eating that that wouldn't be a plumbing would a five gallon bucket work oh yeah yeah okay yeah yeah i right this way okay hey good seeing you good talking yeah good talk so we're going right over h