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#ghetto news anchor 3
#ghetto news anchor
#funny moments
#mark phillips
Gaming: @DashieGames Insta: twitter: Helicopter Reporter: @RDCworld1 Helicopter Shots:


good evening good afternoon good dusk why we don't say good dusk what if dusk is somebody's favorite time of the day like why is it so weird to say hey good dusk how you know i'm dashy and welcome to channel 1152 news here are today's top stories a local woman oh that camera is broken they still ain't bro this camera been broke how long and they fixed that a local woman found 500 000 in a department store dressing room and what did she do she turned it into the police come on man bro a local woman more like a local woman see what i'm doing because it's like local it's spanish me crazy but she already at the mall i would have been out there buying [ __ ] my friends come through this just in a man just robbed the dollar store and the channel 1152 news chopper is on his ass yo yo let's go to the chopper hey guys we are live here at channel 1152 news i believe and he is hopping over fences we're on the perpetrator's ass he definitely ran track in high school and o