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Guy records tornado until last second

#storm chaser
#reed timmer tornado desctruciton
#live tornado destruction
#inside tornado desctruction
#tornado (disaster type)
#tornado warning
#high wind damage
#tornado destroying everything
#scott mcpartland
#raging planet (tv program)
#dave lewison
#discovery channel (tv network)
Extreme tornado rips through houses!. Follow me on twitter/join my discord! Submit videos / memes: Hang out with the fam: Gaming: Twitch: PapaStanimus Gaming: Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: https://www.tikto


check out this crazy video of this guy recording a tornado coming straight at him and he records until the absolute last second jesus oh my god there's something exploded bro another one what is that like an electrical fire or something dude i don't even know it's something this is not this dude's literally just standing there waiting for this tornado to come and get him like dude it's literally coming right there's some the balls on this guy so he's okay he as he runs away he actually gets sucked back by the tornado but there's a crazy story of this dude that's gonna help him rebuild his house check it out in a long video i'm making