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How Many Giant Balloons Stops A Golf Ball??

#how ridiculous
CLAIM YOUR FREE HYBE BOX HERE: Hey guys! You really seemed to really like the Giant Balloon videos so we're back with another one! Make sure you don't miss out on your chance to grab a Supreme Basketball SIGNED by us at How Ridiculous over at Hybe! They also have an insane amount of mystery boxes containing dope products ranging from PS5 and XBOX to Gucci, Supreme and all the sneakers you could imagine and more all accessible at! Don’t forget to check t


the giant balloons are back we have an insane launcher that's gonna pop a heck of a lot of balloons pop a balloon get a point here gets the most points wins and if someone can pop all ten in one throw however gonna give away an iphone 13 and air pods baseball bats definitely going to go like the vertical for like the bouncer it's a flip and loose start derek oh no no hold it flat out missed the second balloon they're so big that is a real shame for your score derek not gonna lie into the mystery box i go not the ninja star not the ninja sink how far can i throw this we'll find out won't we bitter swingy time to put everything and the kitchen sink into it begin oh kitchen sink to beat your baseball bat heron wrapped could pull a circular saw blade could pull a driver spear gun so many goodies see this slingshot be it bowling ball that's good oh there we go angles oh dear he's nestled here [Music] the rip uniformity was like uncanny that is arguably the be