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How To Repair Cracks Above Doors

#crack in wall
#how to fix drywall crack
#fix drywall cracks
#how to fix a crack
#drywall crack repair
#repair drywall crack
#repair drywall
#repair crack above door
#how to fix cracks in ceilings and walls
#how to fix drywall cracks from house settling
#how to fix drywall cracks above doors
#how to fix drywall cracks around doors
#how to fix drywall cracks with mesh tape
#repair stress cracks drywall
Hey guys in this video ill show you how i repair cracks above doorways. This repair was from foundation issues but this will also work for settling cracks and hairline cracks. Material 5 minute joint compound - Tape - Tools Drywall taping knife - Drywall tray - // BEST WORK SNACKS Built Bar Affiliate Link Use my referral cod


all right guys what is up so we're here we have this big crack right here um they've got some pairing that they've done uh to lift this up a little bit more but it looks like they've already tried to repair it but they didn't they just put mud over the top of it guys so we're gonna do it the right way we're gonna fill this and then we're gonna put some mesh so we can avoid any further uh widening of the Gap so let's go ahead and get into it [Music] so yeah not gonna be the greatest video I brought the little camera today so I excuse me for the quality hopefully it sounds good too but always all we're going to need is we've got our tray our spatula and then we're going to use five minute mud and some mesh tape so let's go ahead and get into it get some of this five minute mixed up and get it in that crack all right real quick before we start we are going to break this up we're gonna scrape here make sure that we have a smooth surface that we're gonna run our