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How to Start a FITness Journey

Let us get FIT @ElevateFit ~ Mind Body & Soul FITness ~Fit is Ish ~Let us understand how to start a FITness Journey, by building Confidence, Perseverance, Consistency and Resilience, in ourselves and also in our ability to perform, by growing our MINDSET as well as our BODY. ~"A True Fitness Journey Begins Within" Let us Get FIT! More: Quick & Intense Pushup Routine Rain & Flow Guided Meditation Water 4 Gains? Optimize Muscle G


why I do not want you to go to the gym if you have never worked out before and how to begin your fitness journey the right way by building confidence and strength all without needing a single thing but yourself the gym environment can be an intent and overwhelming setting or it can be an exciting and inspiring setting see here's the thing if you go to the gym not knowing what you are going to do or without a gym partner to help you it is only going to further cement your gym anxiety and fear going to the gym is a mindset not an action and every time you go to the gym what you do what you think creates the you that is in the gym if you go every day confident secure in the workouts you are doing confident in your ability to push and motivate yourself then your belief about the gym is going to be it is a positive place for growth that I enjoy being at and you will notice that this positive confidence boost will even start to carry over into the other parts of you