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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait what happened what happened right there oh my God [Music] here we go from it's Daisy stalking Alex Wassabi and everything but we talked about that second ride look what that's done for the confidence of Alex Wassabi suddenly he's gonna catch Alex declaring your winner by Split Decision wasabi I want you me as an example yeah I failed three times I'm gonna carry on boxing and I'm gonna get a victory Owen 3 is a fighter this is kind of The Last Chance Saloon for him as he coming coming straight ahead right away got him again [Music] let's see if deji can get his first professional win and his first pro-ko as he started in the pocket still throwing today [Applause] Goosebumps books amazing and deji manages to pull this off everything gets signed and everything oh mate what a [ __ ] dope because it could happen I just don't think it's happening there's I think there's no way that's happened listen I wis