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i FINALLY beat DOORS SUPER HARD MODE! (much raging)

#roblox doors super hard mode
I will NOT get up from my chair until I beat Doors Super Hard Mode. This is it! I am committed. I am ready. I am not going to stop no matter how many runs it takes (which will be many). Prepare thyself! This is a long one.


it is time I will beat doors super hard mode today I have become a totally Giga Chad I am determined I am going alone hello so in the last video I got to uh oh I'll take that I believe I got to around room 90. so almost beat it but ultimately failed because of bald Creek craft ow stupid jerk today I will beat it I got my coffee oh oh my gosh that is not bald Creek craft already it is oh he's after me already stupid bald idiot I'm not getting up until I beat it I don't care if this video takes six hours I'm not leaving my chair there will be lots of butt sweat I don't care that's uh crucifix I'm taking uh oh here it comes it's high yeah go away idiot I also learned thanks to your comments that the shields are kind of like fortnite you can actually have 100 Shield so we need to get small Shields first uh-oh Rita's upset with me let's use my lighter and uh how do I get out of here hello oh gosh okay I need to stop go away I need the key uh give me key please I c