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I Got Paid To Pick Up Trash For 1 Week

I spent one week of my life picking up trash - aluminum cans to be more specific ;) I found out that you could turn in aluminum cans to recycling facilities for money, so I thought it would be a fun challenge to collect as many as possible and see how much I could make in one week. Each can was worth roughly $0.01. So let's see how much money I can make!! 😏 enjoy :)


I'm picking up trash like this for the next seven days cool thing about it this can is actually worth one penny so at the end of the video I'm gonna take all the cans we find to a recycling place to see how much money we made the first place I'm looking is my recycling bin let's start digging yes that is right I delve through my own trash for this Challenge and that's not even the nastiest thing I do in this video trust me don't go in there oh God I have to next I skated around my neighborhood with one goal in mind I am on the prowl for any aluminum cans I see oh I found them but picking them up that was a different story I hope this is hard come here come here come here oh God man this thing blow oh got it uh see I added the chaos in my collection and now I'm gonna go to my gym going to the parking lot and see if I can find anything there I think I will because that place is usually gross energy drinks yeah you know what I mean so so yeah I'm gonna go do that