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I Hijacked A Stranger's Boat

#tom simons
#i met wilbur soot in real life
#tommyinnit vlog
#tom simons vlog
#vlog channel
#water park
#water course
#I Hijacked A Stranger's Boat
THE ENDING WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA. THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA. I'm just kidding I can get away with Anything now I'm too powerful ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO! If you're in UNITED KINGDOM and reading this then CHECK THIS OUT, because I am going on tour, to a city NEAR YOU. I'll finally be telling the horrible stuff that happened to me in 2021. Why? Because it's a god damn great story. CHECK IT OUT!!!! TOUR LINK: ht


come on please the same thing this is just not even worth a joke you think I give it whether you live or you die I will drop you please don't let me die [Music] why are you walking in slow motion effects what's up [ __ ] what's up my fellow people who's ready for their first sailing experience me me get on the boat you're safe with me guys there'll be no death today captain my captain that's Captain Jim to you Captain Jim Captain I actually already know how to sail yeah shut the [ __ ] up you little nerd we need you we need you I'm ready for this holiday getaway to the Caribbean nice to meet you ready to go on a holiday to the Caribbean I love your smile thanks I grew it myself [Music] who the hell are you I'm gonna Press Start are you ready you [ __ ] idiots [Music] my name's Tommy in it I'm the best semen see men I sure hope I do oh we're still tied on oh I'm tired I'm tired we're leaving fellas we're leaving guys you come back here he's got us to the