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I rode the world's fastest train.

#tom scott
I thought maglev trains were a dead-end technology: but it looks like I was wrong. At JR Central's Yamanashi Maglev Test Track, I rode Japan's new maglev. ■ The maglev: ■ The exhibition centre: Local producer: Yasuharu Matsuno at Mind Architect Camera and edit: Julian Domanski (This video has an English dub and limited audio description available. These are experimental and use AI-generated v


when I was a kid magnetic levitation trains maglevs were going to be the future television shows would film breathless reports on the latest trials in Germany or here in Japan promising unbelievably fast and smooth travel between far away cities but decades later the only actual high-speed maglev service in the world is in Shanghai China which is fast but it's almost a gimmick it only goes 30 kilometers it loses enormous amounts of money every year and not many people use it I thought that maglev was one of those Technologies like Concord but we thought were the future until they weren't and now there's just abandoned test tracks in the dreams of the past which is why I was very surprised when a local producer here in Japan asked me if I wanted to take a ride on the new maglev because it turns out Japan has had a test track for years it carries passengers because every so often they will open their tests to the public with a lottery for tickets and this test t