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i tried freezing cold showers

#ryan trahan
#gamerboy ryan
shrek time


good morning sleepy [Music] oh my god no shampoo today that was kind of awesome i know i look pretty hardcore with the sleeveless shirt and everything but that was intense for me i normally take pretty hot showers i've been trying to cool them off because i feel like i'm i'm damaging my skin with the sheer heat of the showers i take anyways what the heck was that i ate one bite of a raw onion yesterday the flavor is still on my tongue somehow i have a very fun day planned for us all right i love the enthusiasm thank you for that enthusiasm that you willingly participated in today we are exercising lawn update walking spa packing my bags for my first main channel video of the year but first coffee [Music] coffee water protein shake let's go to the gym boom jump cut to the gym sorry about that i am getting extremely comfortable with car vlogging here's proof got a haircut it's pretty short pretty short haircut i'm not gonna lie uh what'd you get into today