- download and cut online

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Impossible 0.0000001% Odds!

#life hacks
#do it yourself
#dily projects
#useful things
#how to
#diy activities
#diy slime
i can't believe all of these things were caught on camera lol CHECK OUT THESE CHANNELS OR ELSE Sambosteve BOKE ALEX AUTO MECANICA Andy Feliciotti Chocolate Ty Beats AFL


these are the lowest chance things to ever happen in the world like this guy who found himself randomly on Google Maps or this person's car that's about to get crushed by a massive Boulder but randomly stopped but first we need to react to this crazy ax throw okay so they're throwing the axes whoa okay oh that's pretty cool we need to go try to recreate that how can you even cut metal what are the odds very low because that's the whole point of the video wait he's gonna hit it out he's not oh I don't believe he doesn't even have an emotional reaction he didn't believe that just happened wait what is he doing here oh oh the Boulder's still going oh but Boulder's coming at your car don't beep move get out of the car perfect timing Carl [Music] what I was like what part of this is perfect that firefighter woke up with his hat on put his uniform on he's like you know what I think this building over here is about to collapse let me go get the fire truck he's lik