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Making A Library In An Old Dynamite Vault!!

Hey guys! In this video we take an abandoned dynamite vault and turn it into a library here at Cerro Gordo! I've wanted to have a library here since buying this abandoned mining town. This project was one of my favorite in all my time here. The collaborative nature of it all was so cool and made this project really happen. Thank you all so, so much for all the continued support for the town! This place has truly came to life the last 2 years and it's been awesome to see. ALSO! We have some n


[Music] hello there my name is brent and right now we are in the abandoned mining town of cerro gordo and i've been making videos up here in this ghost town for the past two years and i've never shown the room that is behind that door that is because this door leads to the dynamite vault here the same room that would have held the dynamite that created 30 miles of mines underneath this town the same dynamite that pulled out 500 million dollars of minerals out of this mountain and in this video we're finally gonna go behind that door the dynamite is long gone but we're gonna turn it into the coolest library so let's get to work [Music] all right so as of today this hole behind me is just that it's basically a hole inside of a mountain with a couple doors in front of it and some pieces of wood on the floor and my hope my dream really is to make this into a beautiful library you know with an amazing floor down maybe some rugs comfortable chairs bookshelves chand