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Minecraft's History of Mega-Builds

💥 — Download War Thunder for FREE and get your bonus! The craziest and most insane minecraft mega builds to ever be created, and the progression of them throughout the game's history! HELP ME HIT 2.0 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR! The best moments to EVER happen in minecraft's history, some of these are actually insane lol HELP ME HIT 2.0 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR! My Twitter: My Instagram: https


constructing a Minecraft Mega build is one of the most insane and time-consuming projects you can take on in the entire game but despite this huge challenge players have continued to push the limits with their unique creations and today we'll be looking at how they've evolved over Minecraft's decade-long history starting in 2009 when the game was initially released there was an extreme lack of blocks to build with yet this didn't stop players imagination from Mario pixel arts basic castles to square houses people start to see players experimenting and trying out different Architects but it wouldn't be until six months after the game's release we would see the first ever Mega build Easy Rider designed this cathedral in a creative server which manages to look simplistic yet extremely detailed and huge at the same time the fact that there was such a limited blog selection you could only build from y0 to y64 and he still managed to make something like this just goe