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#week in my life
#my life
Let me know somethings you guys would to see! like and subscribe 💕 TikTok-nely_cuevassss Instagram-nely_cuevass What I edit on-Final Cut pro


[Music] foreign [Music] but let me basically catch you guys up on this whole week because I have not been filming any shoes I've been like so just like drained and I have not wanted to film but basically this whole week okay so Monday oh on Monday what did I do Monday I don't remember what I did Monday I need to hurry up because it's 7 20 and it was not even taking what my friend is and I need to hurry up a few moments later honestly I don't even remember where I left this vlogger I think I was in the restroom wash my face but basically my camera turned off on me I went to school and everything I just forgot to Vlog but I'm home now and I was supposed to get my lashes done today but my mom was out so she couldn't come pick me up from school so we basically canceled the appointment she was also doing stuff today so it was busy so she wouldn't have been able to do my lashes until lately she was at the hospital but we're gonna go to my nails right now because t