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NATO, Finland, Sweden, and Russia's Domino Theory Dilemma

Check out my books on Amazon (paid link): Vladimir Putin claims that Russia invaded Ukraine to halt the eastward expansion of the NATO alliance. Three months into the war, Putin has misplayed his hand right into his alleged fear, as Finland and Sweden look set to join it. This video examines Putin's execution of "domino theory" doctrine---the idea that failing to stop one threat leads to more threats down the line. Often absent from domino theory discussions is the fact


something weird is happening in the world right now on february 24th 2022 russia invaded ukraine if you take vladimir putin at his word and i know that's difficult to do russia did this because ukraine might have joined nato otherwise and russia has a core interest in limiting nato expansion yet on may 12th finland's prime minister and president announced their intent to join nato precisely because russia invaded ukraine and just four days later sweden made the same announcement russia's alleged worst nightmare nato encirclement is coming to fruition how could this have backfired for putin so badly to understand what is going on here it will help to go back in time on april 7 1954 president dwight d eisenhower introduced what became one of the defining policies of the cold war era asked about the growing tensions in vietnam and france's struggles there eisenhower said that you have broader considerations that might follow what you would call the falling